Welcome to your Health Recognition Check for employees

How often do you feel recognised for your efforts at work?

A co-worker has helped you out with some urgent work. How do you let him/her know that their support is appreciated?

When is the last time YOU recognised one of your peers?

Would you actively engage in a peer to peer recognition program?

If your workplace introduced a peer to peer recognition program, out of the following options, which one would you be more likely to engage in?

How would you like to be recognised?

How do you feel about having several opportunities to be rewarded throughout the year, the opportunity to earn points and have access to a wide range of products and experiences to choose from to redeem your points?

Out of these rewards, which one would you pick if you were nominated the Top Performer?

How do you think a company should reward their employees for tenure?

In a peer to peer program, would you rather receive updates:

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Your Email Address

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